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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

1. Colorful Pens/ Highlighters

It is incredibly helpful to  write out your own study guide! Not only will it help you consolidate your notes into one place, but the act of physically writing helps improve memorization. 

2. Snacks 

Okay let’s be real, snacks are essential for studying. Not only do you need protein pick-me-ups throughout the day, but snacks  also add some joy to your busy schedule. You can also use candies or gummy bears to motivate yourself in reading a chapter or reviewing a Quizlet. 

3. A Bag

Prepare to haul a large amount of school supplies and other items back and forth from the library to your room. A bag that has enough compartments to fit everything while keeping it separated and organized is essential. You might need to part with your traditional school backpack during this week!

4. Comfy Clothes

There is absolutely no shame in wearing sweatpants and leggings during finals week. Being comfy means one less thing to worry about. Trust me, your body will thank you later. 

5. A Place to Study 

Once you have all your materials ready, you’ll need to find a nice quiet place to study. Experts suggest finding a study area other than your bed, but one that you still feel comfortable in. 

6. Vitamin C

Inevitably, finals is a time where lots of people get sick. Taking Vitamin C and making sure to wash your hands/ not touch your face can help keep you healthy. You can buy Emergen-C drink mix at Target for $4.00! 

Overall, remember that the stress and exhaustion of finals will pass. Your scores on tests do not say anything about you, and you should not harshly judge yourself because of  them! You can always utilize melatonin or NyQuil if you have trouble sleeping. Taking breaks by going outdoors or grabbing coffee is a great way to unwind. Lastly, have faith in yourself,  you can do it!

Alex Brooke

Emerson '23

I am a creative writing major from VT! I'm also a certified scuba diver and overall ocean nerd, so it's an interesting blend of writing and marine biology.
Emerson contributor