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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Elon chapter.

Your mother was right.

You know when your mom told you to put on sunscreen in 7th grade and you didn’t listen? Well, you can still sunburn in college. Please apply sunscreen to your entire body, no matter if you will be outside for “only a few hours.”

You remember when she told you to wear a jacket because it might get cold later? Trust me, later comes before you get a chance to run back to your dorm. It is way better to have a jacket in your bookbag, hands, or around your waist than to have goosebumps crawling up your arms during your job interview.

You know when she said to do a double check before leaving somewhere you’re staying only temporarily? That moment you left a $200 jacket in the hotel room will make sure you never leave without doing a thorough sweeping of your room. Never.

Remember when your mom said that sleep is important? Well, that accounting test you slept through because you stayed up till 4am studying will support her lesson.

What about that time when your mom told you to not eat all the candy in the candy jar? Yea, well, she was right… and it only took you a few thousand stomach aches in college to discover so.

Remember when she said to always have cash on you? Trust me, your empty tank of gas when you are just 10 minutes from a bank will thank you dearly. Especially when the station won’t except debit or credit cards.

You know when your mom said that your hard work will pay off? All those hours spent in the library every Saturday afternoon in preparation for that marketing exam in a month will help, at least a little.

You remember when she said to plan your outfit out the night before? When that “just five more minutes” turns into thirty, you will be very grateful you don’t have to spend the extra time trying to find something to wear that looks decent, all while making a tremendous mess of clothes.

You know when your mom said the sadness will pass? Crazy enough, you won’t use as many tissues and personal ice cream containers after a few weeks. Life has a funny way of hitting you upside the head and screaming at you to move on.

What about that time she told you to check the weather for the day before you go anywhere? Who knew that it could be sunny one minute and thundering rain the next? Surely not the girl in the sundress…

Remember when she said to make sure you have everything before you close the door? That one time you forgot your key… and your phone in your room and your roommate wasn’t be back for another two hours will sure reinforce the idea.

You remember when your mom said that you would miss her and you shrugged it off? The used tissues on the far side of your cluttered desk beg to differ.

Hello! My name is Camden Campe and I am a Creative Writing and Marketing double major at Elon University. I spend my free time doing homework (because let's face it, who doesn't?), reading as many books as I possibly can, watching Netflix (again, who doesn't?), going to Christian events, fencing (think Parent Trap if you are unsure of what that is), and writing for Her Campus and for my personal blog. Have you ever thought about how only 26 letters can evoke so much emotion when placed in the right order? Crazy, right?