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Lilly DeNunzio: Organizer of “Solstitium” Elon Yoga Club’s First Festival

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Elon chapter.
Name: Lilly DeNunzio
Hometown: Nashville, TN
Major: International Studies
Year: First Year
Tell us a little about the festival:
Solstitium is Elon Yoga Club’s first festival and will be held from 9am-9pm on 
Saturday, April 16th. The day will be filled with different styles of yoga classes & 
meditation practices, well-being workshops, live music, and food. We’ve 
partnered with several local yoga studios and wellness groups & instructors in 
order to provide a wide range of events for the day.
What was the idea behind the festival?
The idea for EYC to organize its own festival came about at the beginning of the 
year during a conversation I had with the club’s president, Ali McCorkle, about 
the Wanderlust Yoga Festivals. We discussed ideas for Elon’s own version of a 
Wanderlust festival throughout the fall, and officially began plans for Solstitium 
during winter term.
How will attending Solstitium benefit the students of Elon? 
The festival name, Solstitium, is a Latin word meaning “a stoppage of the sun.” 
EYC took this idea of a “stoppage” and extended it to mean “a pause from 
ordinary life” because we really do want students to view Solstitium as an 
opportunity to pause. So often ordinary life at Elon consists of rushing from class 
to meetings, from meetings to homework, from homework to work, from work to 
social events, and in this rush we become overwhelmed and disconnected from 
ourselves. Solstitium is a place to take a step back from this rush. We hope that 
the day will provide those who attend with an understanding of the importance of 
integrating mind, body, and spirit. Of course, this is a practice just as most things 
are, but if we can offer Solstitium as a place to begin this practice, then we’ll have 
fulfilled our goal.
Are you involved in anything else on campus?
Leadership Fellows Program, Zeta Tau Alpha, and research
for Spring Undergraduate Research Forum (SURF) Day in April
Hi! My name is Fraley Morton and I am a freshman at Elon and from Manchester, MA.