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How to Strive During an 8:00a.m. Class When You Aren’t a Morning Person

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Elon chapter.

Ah, morning classes. Some people love them while many others don’t, but it’s inevitable that sometime during your college career you will likely have an early class, if not an 8:00 a.m. If you aren’t a morning person, this can be dreadful, especially if you enjoy taking your time in the morning but don’t want to wake up at the crack of dawn. With that being said, below are some tips on how to strive during those early classes for those who simply are not a morning person.

1. Keep your blinds half open, if not completely open

Doing this will let natural sunlight peek through during the morning to hopefully help naturally wake you up. I know some people who, just through this tip, have actually turned into morning people!

2. Plan your outfit the night before

I like to do this every night. I find that it definitely cuts down time on getting ready. You don’t have to completely go and sit the outfit on your desk or anything, but I like to spend time thinking about what I want to wear so when I’m rummaging through my clothes in the morning I know exactly what I’m looking for.

3. Charge your phone across the room

Many college students, like myself, use their phone as an alarm. Because of this it’s very tempting to hit the snooze button and get some extra few minutes sleep. But if you charge your phone across the room, you have to physically get out of bed to shut it off. (Note: this ideally works better if you live in a single bedroom so your roommate doesn’t get annoyed if you don’t get up!)

4. Make a morning routine

When I wake up, I immediately head to the bathroom and wash my face (or shower), do my makeup, etc. I find that making a daily routine really helps get you out of bed and increase productivity before heading to class, especially if you need to finish up some assignments, eat breakfast, etc.

5. Eat breakfast

This is one of the most important steps in the morning. No one wants to have their stomach growl and make all kinds of noises during class… so having a breakfast is key. It doesn’t have to be a huge meal, but making sure you have some food in your stomach will not only keep your stomach-noises at bay, but it’ll also help keep you focused.

Mornings don’t have to be terrible, even when you do have an early class. With these helpful tips, you’ll be on your way to conquering the morning and getting the most out of that early class of yours!