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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Elon chapter.

How to Eat Healthy on Thanksgiving

Cammie Brady

Thanksgiving. The one and only holiday where everyone cheats their healthy lifestyles and feels disgustingly bloated for the rest of the night. It is hard not to taste every dish and splurge for that extra piece of pumpkin pie.


Well, this year will be different because I am here to share with you all the right way to eat at Thanksgiving.  

First off with the turkey. Turkey is actually pretty healthy and a great source of protein. It will not only taste delicious, it will also fill you up.


There is always plenty of veggies at thanksgiving: potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans the possibilities are endless. So add a few veggies to your plate,but just be mindful of the portions sizes, you want to treat yourself with the potatoes, but only a little.


Stuffing is a NO GO. Stuffed is in the word stuffing. It makes you full and it is bad for you…plus I don’t know about you but stuffing is my least favorite food at Thanksgiving. So stay away from it, because stuffing is unhealthy and makes you feel bloated for the rest of the night.


Last is the dessert and the part where everyone devours the food. The delicious pumpkin and apple pie just staring at you, waiting for you to indulge. My advice is to not restrict yourself, but at the same time be aware of how much you eat. Take a little taste and that should satisfy you.


Throughout the night drink lots of water and you should not be feeling too bad after the Thanksgiving feast.


Just use my tips and you are on your way to a bloat free, healthy Thanksgiving dinner.

First year at Elon University, into fashion, trends and living your best lifestyle.