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Your Silence is Compliance

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ECU chapter.

A phrase that I have been thinking a lot about lately is, “Is this the hill you want to die on?” Basically, this means that if this was the last arguement, or point, or stand you would ever be able to take, would it be the one? I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately because of our nations political state. I personally found the womens march extremely moving. I can’t help but think that the men and women who participated in this felt that this was their hill. That if they never got another chance to say anything, that this would be their final arguement. 

However proud and inspired I was after this march, there was a small part of me that began to wonder what my lack of demonstration meant. I think we should fight for all the things that the march was fighting for, but I didn’t.  I knew there was a march in Greenville, but I remember thinking, “What place did I have out there?” I have been blessed and privilagedd my entire life, so while I am not personnally affected by many of these things, I think that the people that are deserve a voice too. However, I chose to stay home. I chose to be silent.

The following week, President Trump signed several exacutive orders. Whether or not I agree or disagrgee with these orders is irrelevant. I did however realize that by being silent I was being compliant. This has been nagging at me ever since. Most of these executive order did not affect me, or my family and friends, and yet I was still bothered. I was bothered by it because I had been silent. I had let this happen. I had watched as a room full of men sign a bill to restrict womens rights. And I was silent. I was ashamed. I listened as Kelly Anne Conway used the phrase “alternative facts” as an excuse for lying. I was silent. 

I’m not writing this to bash President Trump, and I sincerely hope that he does well for this country. However, I realize now that I cannot be silent any longer. By being silent I am allowing these things that I disapprove of to happen. I am choosing to be inactive. Today, I am saying no more. I will not be silent any longer. When I think something is wrong and I have the chance to do something about it, I will. I will not stand idly by and watch history write itself, I will make a difference. And one day when my children ask about this time in history, I can look at them and say that I fought with everything in me for what I believed was right.

My challenege to everyone that reads this is to not be silent any longer. If you disagree with something, call your representitives. If you like a bill that has been drafted, call your representitives. These people work for us, the public, be sure not to forget that. If you want to march, march. If you have something to say, say it. No matter what you believe in, fight for it. Stop belittling people because they don’t agree with your opinion. Prove them wrong with an actoin not with a verbal assult on facebook (I’m looking at all you internet social justice warriors). Most importantly donate. Donate your time, your money, you passion, whatever you have, donate. I still believe that this country can be amazing. I think that we can show love to the world.

So ask yourself, every single day, “Is this the hill you want to die on?”