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Susan Yin/Unsplash

Your Finals, As Told By Spongebob

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ECU chapter.

Everyone knows that finals can be tough to deal with. So, I turned to the expert on life -the Spongebob Squarepants show – for answers.



Spongebob knows what it’s like to be stressed. Heck, I’d be stressed too if I worked for a boss like Mr. Krabs. Does that red, swarthy-voiced crustacean even pay Spongebob at this point? It seems like Spongebob just goes to work out of habit and gets no money out of it. Sounds like classes, right? Pay now, play later sounds pretty lame when you have six exams and a mountain of student debt at your doorstep!



And sure, you’re probably super tired around this time of the semester. You’ve been in your classes a good four months, heard your professor’s voice at least thirty-two class periods, and dragged yourself out of bed in less-than-ideal weather conditions more times than you can (or want to) count. It’s time for a change. You don’t necessarily want finals to happen, but getting them over with means no more of that class! Well, unless you failed.



But don’t worry, you won’t fail. You studied for this, right? You wrote the first word of that take-home essay – you’re on your way to victory! Finals won’t have the last laugh. As long as you sit down, put your iPhone on Airplane Mode and actually look at your notes, you’ve probably achieved more than half your classmates.



But let’s face it – finals are still pretty difficult, and you might not get all A’s on them. Grading can be subjective, especially in liberal arts classes, so don’t let it get you down. Not knowing an answer isn’t the end of the world. Unless, of course, you’re Patrick and you know absolutely no answers to anything. I want to know how he even has money for food. The guy doesn’t work, go to school, or have a boating license. How the heck can he afford his rent? I need to get in on this. 

Fitness enthusiast, MUA, foodie, wife, that weird girl from high school... My name is Emily Matthews and my writing has been featured in Ant vs. Whale, Rebel 58, Allegro Poetry, and - now - here. My adventure novel, Gravscend, can be found on Amazon for almost free. I've worked in makeup for 4 years as a travelling artist for Lancôme, but I hope to start a publishing company one day (or be a ninja).