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Why You Should Join A Sorority

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ECU chapter.

I always knew I wanted to join a sorority, everyone told me that I was meant to be in a sorority and I could not wait for the day I was able to go through recruitment.


I knew I would love being a part of Greek Life, but I didn’t realize how much I would love it. Joining a sorority gave me confidence to try new things, it gave me a new beginning and it gave me some of the best friends I could’ve asked for. I am always surrounded by people to care about me, love me, support me and are willing to drop everything when I am in need.


I asked some of my sisters what being in a sorority means to them and how it has had a positive impact on their life and this is what they said…


  • “Being in a sorority has made me into a more confident person and given me a strong  support system made up of people who I know will always be there for me.”

  • “Sorority life has allowed me to become the leader and make the impact I have always wanted to make on my community.”

  • “I absolutely love that by joining one group on my campus I’ve tapped into an entire network of strong, amazing women across the globe. I’ve met sisters in malls wearing our letters, in internships and in interviews and it is amazing to click with them and know we share the same values, know the same secret traditions and support the same causes.”


  • “The communication/people skills I learned from being in a sorority has taken me farther than I had expected. Having to collaborate with such a wide array of people for things like events and fundraisers has positively impacted my ability to do so in the workforce. Not to mention the networking through the relationships I fostered helped me land my first job.”


Sororities provide different opportunities such as scholarships and leadership positions. Don’t forget – sororities also raise money for different philanthropies and local organizations. They are not just for show and just so members can wear their letters. Being in a sorority connects you with people all over the country, it gives you a place where you feel at home, gives you opportunities and gives you forever friends.


If you are debating whether to join a sorority or not..do it. Give it a shot. It could change your life for the better.




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