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Senior Sendoff: Megan Downing

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ECU chapter.

Name: Megan Downing

Year: Senior

HC Position: Founder of ECU HerCampus and Former Editor in Chief

Major: English

What are your plans for after graduation? Where do you hope to live?

I got a job at the most magical place on earth (ya know, Disney World). I’ll be doing the Disney College Program for four or five months, and hopefully that will lead to a professional position with the Walt Disney Company. Then I’ll be a Florida local.

What is the graduation process for December Grads? What made you decide to graduate a semester early?

I graduated early because I ccame in with a lot of AP crdits so I was already a semester ahead and i didn’t see the point of slowing down my learning process. The reason I decided to grauate in December is because my brother graduated in December and it’s just so laid back. My mom graduated in December adn she never regretted  it, and I’m just ready to move on and moev out of Greenville.

What do you hope to do for your future job?

 Anything Disney will let me.

What has HerCampus meant to you over the last few?

HerCampus started out as an opportunity, I just thought it was something our campus needed to just bring strong opinionated woman together. I think it was just a great opportunity for us. At first it was just strictly that, and opportunity. And then as it grew, i got super attached to it, I got super attached to the people I met that I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to meet without it. I feel like when I look back on college I will look back and think on HerCampus. I guess it changed from an opportunity to my college family. It’s definitely gotten me through some hard spots in my life. It’s the first thing I’ve ever taken hold of that has shown me that I am not alone in the world.

Where do you hope to see you HerCampus in the future?

My hope for HerCampus was for it always to be the number one source for female ECU students. Whether it be Greek life or politics. I want I facebook page to be like google for ECU women. I want our team to grow.

A Letter from our team at ECU HerCampus

Megan, where do we begin? You started out chapter, and brought us all together. You are an inspiring person to know and we know there are only big things ahead for you. Thank you for everything you have done for our chapter. Without you, I doubt we would have the success that we have now. We are thankful just to have had to opportunity to work for you and with you over the years. We can’t imagine what this chapter will be like without you, but we know you are going on to bigger and better things! So proud of everything you have accomplished (like going to Disney forever)!! We love you.