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6 Things That Happen When You Love What You’re Studying

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ECU chapter.

I love going to class. I love learning and interacting with my peers and absorbing everything that my university has to offer. I think the reason that I love going to class so much is being of how much I love what I am studying. I so often hear people talking about how they hate class and they can’t wait to graduate and it makes me so sad. I wish that everyone could find their bliss in what they’re studying because it is a truly awesome feeling. Here’s my list of things that happen to you when you love what you’re studying: 

You get really excited when people ask you about your major 

Just talking about it and what you’re going to do with it one day makes you excited.

You never skip class, you actually probably sit in the front 

You’re that person that emails the teacher when you’re going to miss class even if they don’t take attendance.  

You don’t dread doing homework 

Since you’re actually interested in what you’re studying doing case studies and assignments on it is actually kind of fun.  

You’re friends with your professors 

You regularly chat with your professors about your field and their experiences.

You are constantly pushing people to change their major 

Whenever a friend is unhappy with what they’re studying you are their biggest encourager for going to switch it. Chances are you probably tried to sell them on your major too so they can love it as much as you.

You never want to graduate, but can’t wait to be working 

It’s a struggle within of whether or not you want to stay learning about your major forever or you want to be out applying it in the real world. 

I think it’s important that people chase after their own ambitions and pursue degrees that truly make them happy, because you’ve got one life to live so live it right and do you enjoy.

I'm just a northern girl living in a southern world. You've probably seen me giving a campus tour or distracting friends in the library.