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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Eckerd chapter.

Real Life “Lost”

By: Alexandra Zimmer

Around March 8th the Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 disappeared while on route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.  During flight the plane lost all communication and disappeared and the only trace that could be seen was an oil slick in the ocean suggesting that the plane went down.  However, there may be hope that the plane could still be found.  

Since the plane and the 239 passengers has gone missing 26 countries have been searching for the plane.  The Thailand military saw a blimp on the radar on Tuesday, however, they did not report is right away due to the fact that they “did not pay attention to it.”  Reason being why they did not pay attention to the blimp is because there was no direction threat on Thailand.  But, it is not certain that the blimp was in fact Flight 370. 


The search area for the plane at first focused on the South China Sea. Pings that a satellite detected from the plane hours after its communications went down eventually led authorities to concentrate instead on two areas: one into Central Asia and the other into the Indian Ocean.  One spokesman says the search area is equivalent to an area from California to New York.  

Officials and investigators have been doing background checks on the passengers and crew of the flight and nothing conclusive has come back on anyone.  Planes and ships are searching for the lost plane and until further evidence shows up, no conclusions can be made about the missing Flight 370.