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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Duke chapter.

There are 100 tents at K-ville all waiting for the Duke-UNC game on Saturday, March 3. Aside from the rivalry frenzy, more craziness will  be happening this Thursday before the game. That’s right, it’s personal checks! Can’t wait to see how K-ville will look after personal checks are over! 

locations.On Friday, February 24th, Duke students traversing across the BC walkway got
a surprise – free pizza, voter registration cards and speeches from students and
faculty. The intention? To garner Duke support in the fight against Amendment One.
Here are a few quick FAQs:
Q: What is Amendment One?
A: Amendment One would ban same-sex marriage in the North Carolina state
constitution. The amendment states: “Constitutional amendment to provide that
marriage between one man and one woman is the only domestic legal union that shall
be valid or recognized in this State.”
Q: Can I be registered to vote in NC if I’m already registered in my home state?
A: Yes, as long as you don’t vote in the same election for both states. In other words,
you can vote against the Amendment in May and then vote in the presidential race
in November in your home state. This is because the Amendment is NC specific. You
can find a voter registration form here, which you can then mail in to the county
Q: When/where will I vote?
A: Voting takes place on May 8th. Check out this site for more information about poll
Betty Liu is a senior at Duke University where she is majoring in Biomedical Engineering.  Although her main interests lie in bioengineering, she loves keeping up with the latest trends on Duke's campus. Also, she enjoys learning about new music, reading and travelling around the world. One of her life dreams is to go to all seven continents! So far, she has been to four.