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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Duke chapter.

i have a fire in my belly


a fire that multiplies

with every pained look in her eyes

with every word of condolence forced from an iron stone glance

a courteous gesture as meaningless as the casserole that rots on her counter


a fire that grows when i see 

the slits on her wrists from restless broken nights

and wordless screams


a fire that turns blue with heat when i look upon

the blank stares of girls with blackened knuckles

and torn lips


a fire that licks




upon the rhythmic taps and twists of the girl sitting behind her metallic desk

knocking her feet in the fruitless effort to create 

tempi she can rely on (a beat that in its spaces

she can crawl and hide from the uncontrollable)


i have a fire in my belly


and it feeds on the pain of a girl i sometimes know

but is otherwise foreign to me

except in the shadows and corners of those bleak

defeating nights.

I am a first year at Duke University. I'm from Boston, Massachusetts and live with my five siblings (triplets and twins). Outside of writing, I am passionate about music and have played the flute for nine years.