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Finals Week as Told Through Home Alone

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Duke chapter.

It’s beginning to look a lot like…finals week! Here are some relatable moments we’ve all experienced as the semester draws to a close, as told through Home Alone.

1. Coming out of LDOC and into reading period and thinking you’re on top of the world and have so much time

2. Until you realize how much of your precious time you’ve wasted, so, naturally, the stress eating begins

3. Eventually the guilt and fear of failure take over and you decide to start studying

4. Thinking you’re going to be fine, and then looking over everything you need to know…

5. But you power through your old problem sets and midterms and curse your past mistakes

6. And in the middle of the week,  you have a pretty good idea of what your professors are doing…

7. When it’s finally the night before your exam and you realize just how royally screwed you are

8. But the day of the exam comes anyway, and you end up reading the first question like

9. But you manage to muster up all of your knowledge and power through

*except the house is your grade

10. Eventually you finish all of your finals and get to party with all of your friends who are forced to stay behind

11. Next thing you know you finally get to reunite with friends, family, pets, etc. at home

12. And so you promptly turn into a couch potato

But in the end, you survived, and you’re stronger for it. Best of luck to everyone with exams this week!!