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A Duke Student’s Guide to Formal

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Duke chapter.

It’s nearing the end of the semester which means it’s time to dust off your dancing shoes and head off to formal. Okay, so maybe it doesn’t actually go like that, but you know what I mean. Formals are a great way for sororities and fraternities to dance and drink the night away last time before the year ends. Since this is the case, it is not uncommon for these events to get really messy, really fast. For some reason, there is an unwritten rule that says that this is the night to go hard. As someone who may or may not have had an unsuccessful formal experience my freshman year, I feel completely qualified to provide a guide on how to have a great, memorable formal that you’ll hopefully remember the next day.

  1. Wear comfortable clothes. This may seem like common sense, but it’s amazing how many people forget it. You don’t want to be hobbling around in your heels like a baby deer or constantly having to readjust your dress. No matter how cute it is, if it won’t stay cute when you’re dancing, don’t wear it. Keep your private parts private.
  2. Drink responsibly. Since dinner is served at the event, it’s easy to get really drunk really fast. If you’re worried about this, you have too options. The responsible option would be not to drink so much. The more realistic option is EAT SOMETHING BEFORE. Eating two dinners really won’t kill you and it will help you stay classy for the rest of the evening.
  3. Pick a good date. You don’t want to have an awkward evening, but you also don’t want to have to take care of your date. Choose someone that you know that you will be comfortable with and that you know will behave himself. You don’t want either of you to make a scene.
  4. Keep it classy. Don’t dance obscenely, hook up with your date on the bus, make out pressed up against a wall, etcetera.  Honestly, it just doesn’t look good. There’s a room full of other people there and you don’t want to make yourself look bad.

Formal is always really memorable so enjoy it! Make smart decisions, have a great time, and feel free to share some of your best formal moments with us.
Photo from: http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzx7fet7P01qkejsyo1_500.jpg

Betty Liu is a senior at Duke University where she is majoring in Biomedical Engineering.  Although her main interests lie in bioengineering, she loves keeping up with the latest trends on Duke's campus. Also, she enjoys learning about new music, reading and travelling around the world. One of her life dreams is to go to all seven continents! So far, she has been to four.