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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DU chapter.

My name is Cami Chaikin. I am a sophomore at the University of Denver and this is my second year in Chi Omega. Originally, I only went through recruitment because my roommate at the time was. Surprisingly, it ended up being one of the best decisions of my life. As all of the sororities prepare for recruitment, let me tell you about what being in a sorority has done for me.

I finally have some sisters.

Growing up, I was the youngest of three children and the only girl. This made me want a sister since forever, but, in my opinion, sorority sisters are much better than blood sisters. I love these girls to death, and with so many, you have someone for when you need a laugh, cry, or help with math homework. There will be someone up at 3 am and 7 am. My sisters are always down for late night adventures, food or target runs, or to drag you to the gym. I have never had sisters before, but now I will have hundreds for life and I couldn’t be happier.

I have the best support system.

Having a support system at any point in life is important, but, arguably, college is one of the most stressful and novel times in a person’s life. You need someone to help you reason with a tough teacher, fix your computer, or pick out an outfit; in a sorority, you have over a hundred people to rush to the rescue. When I got strep during the first week of school, I had people constantly texting me asking how I was feeling and someone to drive me to Walgreens to pick up my prescription. Everyone is so caring and kind each other. There are no judgments, only affirmations and support.

I get to come home to them.

These girls see me at my best and at my worst, and they love me at both. Before I moved in, my stomach was filled with butterflies of excitement and nervousness. First of all, the house our chapter was moving into was completely brand new. Also, I never felt like I got as close as I felt “sisters” should be over freshman year with the girls I was going to spend the next year living with. However, since move in day, I cannot believe how many laughs we all have shared, memories we have made, and adventures we have had. I can’t wait for more. Even when I don’t get back to the house until 2 am, there is somebody still awake finishing up a paper or watching TV in the living room.

It’s kind of like camp.

I went to an overnight camp in Wisconsin for 8 years and I absolutely loved it. There’s no other place you can do enough crafts to bathe in glitter, sing until you lose your voice, and clap enough to forget how. No other place except a sorority house! What’s better than a huge sleepover every night with 30 of your best friends? We have special songs and chants and are always making crafts.

You get amazing opportunities.

Sororities give members amazing opportunities in tons of different areas. There are leadership positions available on multiple boards and tons of community service opportunities. Each chapter has its own philanthropy or charity that we work tirelessly to provide for, donate to, and volunteer with. Chi Omega’s philanthropy is the Make A Wish foundation and we have a myriad of events and fundraisers aimed at making children’s wishes come true.

These are just a few of the many many reasons I could not have made a better decision about a year ago when I found out that I got a bid from Chi Omega. I could go on for days. Yes, sororities are not for everybody, but you never know until you try.

Hi I'm Cami Chaikin. I am an undergrad theatre major at the University of Denver. I love fashion, animals, being outside, and theatre.