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So You’re Not Studying Abroad. Now What?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DU chapter.

Just because you aren’t studying abroad, doesn’t mean you aren’t going anywhere. 

Most students at DU share one thing in common: they cannot wait to study abroad. Since DU has one of the best study abroad rates in the nation, it’s no surprise that students start daydreaming of European adventures during their freshman year and excitedly anticipate the moment when their dreams will come true their junior year. Shockingly, there’s another side to study abroad, and that’s the option to opt-out and spend the fall quarter at DU. An option not many students want to consider in fear of missing out. But, guess what? You can choose to stay on campus and take the alternative route to studying abroad, and here’s how:

Take life into your own hands.

Everything about going abroad is new and exciting, but it’s also scary. What people forget to mention, is that not going abroad is also terrifying. Everything that is familiar to you is suddenly gone and you need to adjust. However, with most of your fellow upperclassmen gone, you get more opportunities to take on leadership roles you didn’t even know existed before. Suddenly, all clubs and organizations will take on a new meaning in your life. Even though it’s scary, you’ll feel better for putting yourself out there.  



Build your empire.

With most of the familiar faces being absent from campus, networking becomes essential. You’ll have to go out on a limb to meet new people, but eventually awkward conversations with strangers will transition into easy conversations with new friends. The more allies you have, the greater your empire!

Learn to appreciate what you have.

One luxury college students have is that plans with their friends are only a text message away. When students start to leave for their adventures abroad, it will seem like your entire social network has collapsed. In time, you’ll realize that your true friends will find a way to stay in touch and share their experiences with you no matter how far away they may be. Staying home will make you realize what you wouldn’t want to go without again.

Find yourself (without crossing any borders).

Studying abroad is typically seen as a time to explore who you are as person and who you want to be. Truth is, you can do this from anywhere. Not being able to hop on a train and see one of your friends in Paris will push you to discover who you are in solitude and explore new hobbies. Who better to discover yourself with than me, myself, and I?



Know that time (is not) of the essence.

It’s easy to feel like there’s no time for anything, especially on the quarter system at DU. It’s also easy to feel like junior year is the only chance you’ll have to experience the world. It’s not. Just because you didn’t study abroad doesn’t mean you’ll never see all that the world has to offer, and it doesn’t mean that your experiences are any less important than your peers. There’s a thousand other ways to travel, and just because you haven’t gone where you want to go yet, doesn’t mean you’ll never get there. You’ve got time!


For many students, staying on campus in the fall quarter of their junior year seems like it could be the end of everything good. It’s actually just the start. Taking the time focus on yourself and getting ahead in school is the perfect way to spend your fall quarter on campus. Use your quarter to discover all the great things your campus has to offer. Plus, you’ll save some extra money by not going to those European boutiques (money you can spend on travel plans that don’t include any studying)!

Third Year, Communication Studies and Journalism Major at the University of Denver. If this were a dating website I would tell you that I love long walks on the beach and romanitic coffee dates in hipster cafes.Sadly it's not, so I'll just tell you that I love Netflix, days where I don't need to put on pants, and my squad goals consist of Tina Fey and Amy Poehler hosting the Golden Globes.