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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DU chapter.

World Coming Out Day is a great celebration of all the members of the LGBTQ+ community for those who have come out and told the world who they truly are. This is an amazing thing and should be celebrated due to how hard it can be to come out of the closet; however, for those that are not out and are still closeted, the day can feel entirely different. To some, it may even feel like pressure to come out or spark feelings of shame about not yet being comfortable enough to come out.

There are many reasons that people are still in the closet, including, but not limited to, worries for their safety, fear of judgement, or not being confident in telling the world who they are. Everyone who is still in the closet is just as valid as those who have come out, and just because you are not out yet does not mean that you are any less a part of the LGBTQ+ community.

I am someone that has only come out to one person that I trust, but for fear of being looked at differently, I have been hesitant about telling my friends and family. This is why I am writing this article anonymously, but I wanted to write it because this is important to me. To anyone else in the closet on this World Coming Out Day, know that I see you, and you are valid. Do not let anyone else tell you when to come out. Everyone should be able to come out on their own time, and if you are not out, know that I am celebrating you today.