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Your Favorite Thanksgiving Food Based On Your Zodiac Sign

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.

One of the best parts about Thanksgiving is the food and the ladies of Her Campus at Drexel are ready to feast on all of the traditional favorites. We took a look at all of the traditional Thanksgiving dinner dishes and ventured to guess what your favorite might be based off of your zodiac sign.

Aries – Cranberry Sauce

Aries is very adventurous, so their food of choice would be the cranberry sauce. Cranberry sauce is the food that’s always present at Thanksgiving, but many people are too afraid to eat – except for the very adventurous Aries!

Taurus – Gravy

Taurus is reliable, and what could be more reliable than gravy? It’s always going to be there. As a holiday staple, you can put it on almost any food at the table and it will only make it taste better!

Gemini – Beets

Gemini is independent, so they love the most independent dish at Thanksgiving: beets. Beets might be the one dish that stands on it’s own. All you have to do is roast them. Gemini can appreciate this about beets.

Cancer – Pie

Cancer is a homebody who craves security, and is also very maternal/paternal. What’s more familiar than your grandma’s homemade pie?

Leo – Turkey

Leo is a natural-born leader, so what food could they be drawn to more than the turkey? Turkey is the most important food at the Thanksgiving table. It’s the bird that leads the whole meal and is the only thing suited for a Leo.

Virgo – Mashed Potatoes

Virgo is a perfectionist, so their food of choice would be the mashed potatoes – but not just any mashed potatoes. These potatoes must be perfectly mashed, blended, sculpted and tasty. A Virgo will be able to appreciate perfect mashed potatoes.

Libra – Sweet Potatoes

Libra loves beautiful things, and sweet potatoes are very pretty. Libra is also charismatic, so they would obviously like to eat something as sweet as they are.

Scorpio – Pickled Eggs

Scorpio is very powerful, so naturally they would choose the one thing on the table that has the boldest flavor, which just so happens to be the pickled eggs.

Sagittarius – Deviled Eggs

Sagittarius is a wanderer that never likes to stay in one place. Therefore, they choose the only portable food at Thanksgiving, deviled eggs, so that they can eat and be on the move at the same time.

Capricorn – Stuffing

Capricorn is practical and reliable, so they gravitate toward the stuffing. It’s an essential dish that’s cooked inside of the turkey, so the Capricorn can always expect it to be there.

Aquarius – Ham

Aquarius has a very eccentric personality, so the ham speaks to their character. Although it’s a common dish at Thanksgiving meals, the ham is still an unconventional choice considering it isn’t the classic turkey.

Pisces – Bread

Pisces is a very sensitive sign. What’s the one thing you eat when you have a sensitive stomach? Why the very simple and plain, but still delicious bread, of course.

Hopefully this explains why we chose your favorite Thanksgiving dish! Leave a comment and let us know if we got it right or not.

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Her Campus Drexel contributor.