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Girl Scout Cookie
Girl Scout Cookie
Caroline Ingalls / Spoon

Where to Find Girl Scout Cookies Near You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.

Ladies… it’s that glorious time of year again. Girl Scouts are out on the front lines delivering the precious packages that we take home and demolish in a day. Girl Scouts made a phenomenal business decision to keep their cookies only to be sold by them and their scouts.  The only thing about buying Girl Scout Cookies is you never really know where to buy them. They are not lining grocery store shelves whenever you need your thin mint fix. So whenever you do find one you drop everything and impulsively splurge on five boxes of cookies because you don’t know when the next time will be that you will run into another stand. 

However, my friends, it does not need to be like this. You can have more control when looking for cookies and make well-thought-out decisions when it comes to buying your 20 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies and who you might want to support.

Cookie Finder -The Girl Scout Cookie App  

Yes, it exists. A real-time monitor of where Girl Scout Cookies are being sold near you. The app is free and easy to use! It’s called Cookie Finder and you can find it in the app store. This app also shows you future dates and locations of where scouts will plan to be just in case you know that you will want more the following week or beyond. 

Check Your Email, Facebook Or Instagram  

Chances are you have family or neighbors that are trying to sell Girl Scout Cookies. What better validation to buy Girl Scout Cookies than knowing that you are supporting your 4-year-old cousin! Often people will post on Facebook or send out an email to the family that they are selling Girl Scout Cookies, and from my experience be willing to pay any shipping costs. Fun fact, if you know a Girl Scout you can ask to buy cookies through them online all year! So make sure to check in with your fam when looking for your cookie supplier!

Keep An Eye Out

There may be flyers at your local cafe or school bulletin saying that a Girl Scout is coming to sell. You may find a stand set up on your way to your dorm, or in the entrance of your grocery store. These stands are more abundant than we think. And as hard as we try, sometimes the urge to splurge is too strong to fight back. So when you do find one of these precious gold mines, go ahead and buy a box, because, in the end, it is supporting a great cause. 

I hope these tips will help you with your endeavor of finding your Girl Scout Cookie fix! If you want to read more about Girl Scout’s mission go to their website here.

Abbey Keller

Drexel '22

I am a sophomore at Drexel University majoring in Health Science and Minoring in Nutrition. I love cooking, playing squash and a good church service!
Her Campus Drexel contributor.