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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.

Everyone who knows me, knows I love reading. Over the years, I’ve loved and enjoyed so many stories, I thought a great way to get through self-isolating boredom is to pick up a new book. So, in no particular order and without spoiling or giving away too much of the plot, I hope you find my recommendations helpful. 

“The Handmaid’s Tale” by Margaret Atwood

I can see why this dystopian classic has made such an impression on so many. This book hangs with you, haunting your thoughts long after you finish the book. It is thought-provoking and terrifying. Atwood describes a haunting life in the not too distant future, warning readers about the political climate we find ourselves in today. 

“Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen 

I remember reading this book during my senior year of high school, and it ended up being one of the favorites I read that year (probably because all the other books were really dark). The book is the ultimate “happily ever after” rom-com but in an 1800s-book-form. Filled with gossip, lies, comedy, and runaway teens, you are guaranteed to be entertained by Austen’s work. 

“The Namesake” by Jhumpa Lahiri

I really related to this book since the plot revolved around the struggles of an immigrant family trying to find their way in the United States. Lahiri very well enhances the themes and struggles of the immigrant experience, clash of cultures, conflicts of assimilation, and the tangles between two generations. Growing up, I felt as if no one really understood what my family and I struggled with, and I think this book captures our hardships really well. 

“Looking for Alaska” by John Green 

Many people recognize John Green for “The Fault in our Stars,” however, this book really takes another step towards making you cry and question life in a whole different way. The story follows a boy and his obsession with famous’ ‘last words’ that has only made him crave “the Great Perhaps.” He heads off to the sometimes crazy and anything-but-boring world of Culver Creek Boarding School, changing his life forever. 

“One of Us is Lying” by Karen McManus

A cross between The Breakfast Club and Pretty Little Liars, the story revolves around five strangers who walk into detention, but only four walk out alive. After the death of the school gossip, posts about his high-profile classmates are revealed online, adding to the mystery at hand. Who would want to kill him, and why? I devoured this book in one sitting and could not believe the twist the book had in store. 

Hey everyone! I am a chapter leader for Drexel University's chapter of HerCampus. I am a senior biological sciences student with a concentration in cell, molecular, genetics, and biochemistry. I hope to become a clinical pharmacist/researcher one day. I love traveling, reading, Netflix-bingeing, and writing for HerCampus.
Her Campus Drexel contributor.