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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.

The co-op process can be overwhelming and stressful. Whether this is your first co-op or third, these tips will help you get that co-op you were hoping for.

Plan ahead

So you’ve attended your ES&P meeting with your co-op advisor. Now, you need to decide where you want to work and what you want to do. Is there a company that you want to work for? What area in the industry? Is the job in the system? Do you want to look out of the system? Do you want to work in NYC? What about housing? Do you need to sublet?

Just don’t know where to even start? This can definitely be overwhelming, but planning ahead can definitely put that stress at ease. Don’t be afraid to ask your co-op advisor for help, it’s what they’re here for! Ask friends who are upperclassmen for advice. If there’s a co-op you really want, find out who has worked there previously to get their insight and advice!

Do a mock-interview

Before you go on your co-op interviews, practice your interviewing skills! This is especially helpful if you’ve never been through the interviewing before. Or if your interviewing skills are not the strongest and the thought of it makes your anxious. Schedule an appointment with your co-op advisor to do a practice interview. You will receive feedback and you will be better prepared for that interview!

More is more

Don’t be afraid to show yourself off. Don’t hold back! Discuss your experience with the interviewer. Talk about that group project you took initiative in or that club you hold an executive position in. Depending on the industry, you may even have a portfolio and mentioning that during the interview will showcase your amazing creative skills! Even bring some of those projects with you to the interview! I brought one of my creative projects to one of my interviews and the interviewer was very impressed! Doing this will show off your experiences and that you are ready to learn. Show interest and excitement during the interview as well, especially if it’s your top choice!

Prepare questions

Always ask at least 2 questions at the end of the interview. Ask them more about the company, office culture, or what goals they want achieved in that role. Asking questions shows the interviewer that you’re interested in the job!

Just Breathe!

You got this! Don’t worry if you forgot to mention something! Be prepared, and be confident, and you’ll have a great co-op experience!

Nicole is currently treasurer at Drexel's chapter of Her Campus. She is a senior majoring in Design & Merchandising and loves writing about anything style, beauty and food related. In her spare time, she loves keeping up with celeb-news and binging the latest TV shows. She can usually be found trying out new restaurants in Philly with her friends and finding the next place to travel to.
Her Campus Drexel contributor.