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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.

We are finally out of the dorms and into our own apartments! Unfortunately, if you are like those of us living in The Summit, you don’t have a kitchen in your apartment (cue booing sounds here). Not to fear everyone. We have come up with a list of drool worthy desserts that are fit for any college dorm.

Chocolate Hazelnut Mug Cake

If you’re into all things Nutella, then this is the recipe for you! It uses chocolate hazelnut spread as a component of the cake AND for the icing on top! The best part about this cake is that you don’t even need to use that gross old hot plate you didn’t want in the first place, just pop everything into the microwave, that is, if you can figure out how to use the dumb conventional microwaves Summit threw at us. 

Strawberry Brigadeiro

If your mom is anything like mine, she sends fresh fruit back with me every time I come home for the weekend. Instead of pushing those strawberries to a frozen end at the back of the refrigerator, why not make these delicious looking brigadeiros so at least you’re putting all that fruit to good use (plus hey, technically this is healthy because there’s fruit in it…right?). Another reason to make this dish is the fact that it was originally made to cook on a hot plate, so you don’t have to do any Googling to figure out how to convert the recipe to be hot plate friendly. 

No Bake Peanut Bars

This easy to follow recipe has descriptions and gifs that show the most delicious looking peanut butter bars. Excuse me while I drool, but these are a must have for my kitchen. Anyone can make these in a dorm (or in Summit where we have a kitchen fit for a mobile home) making  this a great dessert to share with your roommates, or your floor, or yourself. 

Vegan Chocolate Mousse

Okay first of all, I didn’t know that chickpea water was a thing let alone that it could be made into an egg white substitute. But, nevertheless, this mousse looks delicious and its going on my list of desserts to make in the future. 

Chocolate Walnut Fudge

If you spend your summers on New Jersey boardwalks like I do, the lack of fudge during the fall season is sickening. This recipe is only three ingredient and therefore has made my fudge-lacking fall a lot easier, especially since the only appliance required is a freezer or fridge. Even if you’re in a dorm you can still make this recipe, and that’s a win in my opinion. 

Oatmeal Cookie

This recipe includes applesauce, which is one of my favorite on the go snacks, so if you also like applesauce, you’re most likely going to enjoy this dessert. Plus this recipe makes a serving for one person so you don’t have to worry about sharing your cookies with anyone you don’t like. 


And that’s the list! Surprisingly enough, finding the recipes for this artile was more difficult than we thought. Apparently, most recipe websites aren’t aware of what a college student would have in their make shift kitchen. Let us know if your tried any of these recipes because we definitely will be in the future!


I am a public relations major with hopes to work for an agency PR firm one day. I love writing and I'm always on the hunt for new article ideas and I love collaborating with like-minded people! Find me on my listed social media and reach out with any questions or comments, I'm happy to talk to you!
Anaya Mitchell is a Marketing major with a minor in Public Relations. She embodies love for all things fashion, pop culture, beauty, true crime, and binging TV series'.
Her Campus Drexel contributor.