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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.

Life as a college student leaves little time and brain space for sitting down and reading a book. Fortunately, I have found a way to squeeze literature into my weekly schedule: audiobooks! There are many times I find myself doing necessary chores and tasks that are the perfect time to plug into a good story. So if you are itching to fill your literary fix try listening to an audiobook if you find yourselves in any of these situations!

Long car rides

Over Christmas vacation, I had 6 hours of driving to and from the extended family I was expected to visit. I knew that I would get tired of my music selection rather quickly and wanted something that I wouldn’t need to adjust while driving for safety reasons. So I decided to try an audiobook. I downloaded “Maybe You Should Talk to Someone” by Lori Gottlieb and had an amazing time listening to her story and resonating with the wisdom flooding out of my speakers. After my trip, I was half-way done with the book and felt validated about the multitasking I was able to accomplish while driving.

At work

Every person’s job is different, but for me, there are times that I am tasked with hours of mindless work. Cutting 100 blood oranges into sample size pieces can be fun, but listening to music gets tiring after the two-hour mark. So I have started to listen to audiobooks while on the job, and it has changed the way I view work. Before I would dread the long days I would commit to being in the office, but now I feel like the time flies by much faster when I am enthralled over the story ringing in my ears. Listening to an audiobook may not be possible for your position but, if it is, download a book right now!


This is a much shorter time than the other two previously mentioned options, but this is great if you want a quick distraction. I will pop in my earbuds on the way to center city for my work-study which will all in all be about a 20-minute commute, and it is just enough time to get a chapter in before reaching my destination.


Whenever I commit to cooking, I spend at least three hours in the kitchen. Between prep, cooking time, and eating it usually takes twice as long as I think it will. So I have found another excellent time to multitask and give my brain some substance.


This is always put last on my to-do list, as it doesn’t seem as pressing as my other tasks, and is not something I particularly enjoy. But there comes a time when my surroundings cannot go any longer without some attending to. An audiobook gives me just the right incentive to get up and start cleaning knowing that I can listen while still being productive.

Making Art

This is a great study break or self-care afternoon option. Sitting down with an adult coloring book and Michelle Obama coming through your headphones is one of the most relaxing activities you can do.

If you find yourself doing any of these things you should definitely start listening to an audiobook! Audible offers a free 30-day trial with two credits which can be used on two books in their library. There are also many local libraries that you can access a wide variety of audiobooks with a library card. So, get listening!

Abbey Keller

Drexel '22

I am a sophomore at Drexel University majoring in Health Science and Minoring in Nutrition. I love cooking, playing squash and a good church service!
Her Campus Drexel contributor.