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5 Things You Should NOT Wear on Co-Op

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.

One of many perks of being a Dragon is that you will graduate with work experience. It can be exciting, yet a little scary to journey into the working world for the first time. Drexel prepares its students with co-op 101 classes, but it’s often difficult to teach one of the most important aspects of working: what to wear. Or the equally important, what NOT to wear. While every work environment is different, these are some things that you should always be avoided.

1. JEANS: Jeans are casual, and sometimes inappropriate for the office. When you’re working, you want to follow your office’s dress code. Dark slacks and dress pants are always safe options and work well in all office environments. If your company does allow jeans, it’s important to know the difference between PacSun jeans and a pair from Ann Taylor. The jeans should look professional, probably in a dark wash and without any holes.

2. CLEAVAGE OR CROP TOPS: You are working in the professional world and modesty is important. Showing a bit too much skin is not the kind of impression you want to give someone who could be writing you a recommendation later or helping you enter the industry of your choice. Think about it this way, would your grandparents be okay with the shirt? If not, don’t wear it to work.

3. INNAPPROPRIATE SHOES:  Even if you’re sitting behind a desk, it’s important to keep our footwear as professional as the rest of your outfit. Keep the heel length appropriate, nothing over two-three inches. Flats are always a safe option. Peep-toed shoes are okay but stay away from sandals. Sneakers are also big no.

4. GRAPHIC T-SHIRTS: Yes, they are cute, and totally perfect for a date or a concert, but they are not work-appropriate. Your sense of humor or favorite band should be saved for Happy Hour conversations or the weekend when you’re back on campus. You don’t want people reading your shirt instead of listening to what you have to say during a presentation so it’s best to avoid any words at all on your work attire. 

5. BAGGY CLOTHES: Sometimes oversized shirts can look stylish, but clothes that are too baggy don’t look put-together. Feel free to play up to trend but keep it in check. With baggy clothes, balancing your proportions is essential. If your skirt is fitted, it’s ok for your sweater or top to be more relaxed. However, if it feels as comfortable as your pajamas, you might want to avoid wearing them to the office. You don’t want to get caught falling asleep at your desk! 

There you have it pretty dragons, avoid these five items and you’ll be well on your way to looking great during co-op. For more tips on Co-op attire, join us March 13th for our Co-Op Couture Fashion Show. More info here

Orly is a Venezuelan senior at Drexel University majoring in Public Relations and double minoring in marketing and writing. In her free time, you can find her in a coffee shop writing, color-coding her way through life or binge watching One Tree Hill for the fifth time. She manages HCD's Facebook page as well as their Twitter and hopes to make a career out of social media someday.
Her Campus Drexel contributor.