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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Dickinson chapter.

Sorority recruitment recently came to a close. Many students went through the four-day process and found their new sisterhoods. At Dickinson, we are lucky to have five great options for sororities: Pi Beta Phi, Kappa Alpha Theta, Sigma Lambda Gamma, Delta Nu and Kappa Kappa Gamma. Sigma Lambda Gamma does not use the formal recruitment process that the other sororities do, but it is a option that you should check out.




Founded: October 8th, 1972

Philanthropy: Safe Harbour

Color: Rainbow

Symbols: Pot of Gold and Octopus

Nickname: DNu

Flower: Yellow Rose

Jewel: Opal

Fun Fact: Delta Nu was originally a chapter of Chi Omega. The chapter wanted to extend bids to minority sisters but Chi Omega refused to allow them to do so. Instead of complying with Chi Omega’s policies, the chapter broke off to form Delta Nu.



Founded: January 27th, 1870

Philanthropy: Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)

Colors: Black and Gold

Nickname: Theta

Symbols: Kite and Twin Stars

Flower: Yellow Pansy

Jewel: Diamond

Fun Fact: Kappa Alpha Theta is actually a fraternity, not a sorority. It was founded as the first Greek letter fraternity for women before the word sorority existed.



Founded: October 13th, 1870.

Philanthropy: Reading is Fundamental

Colors: Light Blue and Dark Blue

Nickname: Kappa  

Symbols: Key and Owl  

Flower: Fleur de Lis or Blue Iris

Jewel: Sapphire

Fun Fact: Kate Spade is a Kappa!



Founded: April 9th, 1990

Philanthropies: Breast Cancer Awareness and TRIO programs.

Colors: Shocking Pink and Majestic Purple

Nickname: Gammas or SLG

Symbols: Purple Panther

Flower: Pink Rose

Jewel: Purple Amethyst

Fun Fact: Sigma Lambda Gamma is the largest historically Latina multicultural sorority.



Founded: April 28th, 1867  

Philanthropy: Read > Lead > Achieve

Colors: Wine and Blue

Nickname: Pi Phi   

Symbols: Angel and Arrow  

Flower: Wine Carnation

Jewel: Pearl  

Fun Fact: Pi Phi is the oldest sorority at Dickinson. The Dickinson College community is lucky to have four great sororities. Greek organizations can motivate its members to strive for personal excellence and become the best versions of themselves. For the girls who have just accepted their bids: cherish your experience. You will encounter so many people through your organizations that will not only change your college experience but also your life for the better. I encourage all those who are on the fence about Greek Life to look into it and give it a shot. It might just be the best decision you make in college.

Anonymous at Dickinson