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Things from Veep I Wish I Can Scream Out Loud

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Dickinson chapter.

I don’t know about you, but, right now, I barely have time to charge my phone and I have been sleep deprived to a point where I start to not recognize people I know. My life is at an interesting stage. I decided to put together a list of insults that I really, really, really want to just randomly scream out loud on Morgan Field/High St/College St/everywhere I go.

When I just realize it’s a Friday on my way back from a presentation that’s worth 50% of my semester grade BUT also remembered that I had a project due midnight, which I hadn’t started…

When my boss called out of the blue and asked if I saw the 14 emails she sent to me between 12am and 4am the night before…

Whenever I successfully dragged my sleep-deprived body to Denny 2nd floor (not even the 3rd; I take the elevator if I need to go that high up)…

When I got out of an extremely whitewashed meeting on cross-cultural experiences to go to the student senate open forum on the schools’ decision to cancel off-campus housing… (Replace “country” with “universe” in the gif)​

When I wanted to take a nap in the library but woke up after 56 seconds out of fear that I’d never wake up…

When people told me that I looked tired/sad…​

BUT (!!!) whenever I pass anything with the ability to reflect my image (or have the ability to stare my emotion-less face, screamingly dark circles, and motion-less limbs)…

Julie Yao is a sophomore International Studies major at Dickinson College. On campus, in addition to being the PR Director for HC Dickinson, she is in Chamber Music, Dickinson Christian Fellowship, and Model UN. Julie is passionate about social justice, politics, strange reality TV shows such as Return to Amish, and tea. She is still confused about many aspects of life, but she also knows she has a ton of time for self-searching and finding peace.