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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Dickinson chapter.

With every new semester, I always try to improve some bad habits I had in the previous one. Last fall, I was guilty of not exercising enough and not having a great balance between work and fun. So as I start my last semester of college (eek!) I want to make some goals for myself over the next few months. I encourage you to do the same! Whether you write them down or just discuss them with a friend, it’s important to have tangible goals that you can work towards. So with that in mind, here are my goals for the semester. Hopefully I can stick to them!


1. Go to the gym three times a week

I do a great job of prioritizing my mental health, but I’ve realized that I don’t give my physical health the same kind of attention. So this semester, my goal is to go to the gym three times a week. I think with my class schedule and the help of some fun workout apps, I will be able to accomplish this.


2. Eat healthier

This goes along with my goal of making sure my physical health is a priority this semester. I like to snack a lot especially at night. The problem is I can never tell if I’m snacking because I’m actually hungry or if it’s because I’m just bored. With that in mind, my goal is to eat healthier and to stop eating after 9pm. So, goodbye potato chips!


3. Balance work and fun on the weekends

Last semester, I found myself staying in more and more to do work on the weekends. While it is important to complete my homework, I also want to make sure I don’t let the stress of work and job searching take away from time I could be spending with my friends. This is probably the last time I’ll live this close to so many of my friends and I want to make sure I’m appreciating and enjoying the time we have together.


I can’t wait to see what this semester holds!

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Alexandra Loh

Dickinson '19

Alex is a senior English major at Dickinson College. Alex enjoys traveling, cooking, and watching college basketball.
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