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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Dickinson chapter.

1. Always be honest

If a problem arises in your apartment, address it. It’s never good to let issues linger until they boil over and you say things you’ll later regret.

2. Be mindful of your actions

You’re not the only person living there! So just be aware of how your actions can impact your roommates. It’s okay if you get up early or stay up late, as long as your random habits don’t affect those living with you.

3. Clean up after yourself

This goes along with #2, but just clean up if you make a mess. It’s really that simple.

4. Be patient

Living with new people takes some adjustment, so just be patient until you learn each other’s habits and quirks.

5. Be respectful

When you live with other people, just be courteous of their space. The same respect should be given to you, and if it’s not, then it probably isn’t the best living environment for you.


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Alexandra Loh

Dickinson '19

Alex is a senior English major at Dickinson College. Alex enjoys traveling, cooking, and watching college basketball.
Devon Carlson

Dickinson '20

Devon is a junior at Dickinson College, majoring in Political Science and Educational Studies. At Dickinson, she involves herself in a cappella and soccer, but outside of her school work and extracurriculars, she has a very strong passion for coffee and all things related to The Office.