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Fight the Flake: How to Keep Your Skin Healthy Despite the Cold Weather

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Dickinson chapter.

Now that it’s finally November the temperature is dropping fast! While that means that the holidays—and winter break – are fast-approaching, it also means that your skin is bound to suffer the cold weather consequences. But, luckily for you, collegiettes, there are ways to keep your skin healthy and radiant in even the harshest winter weather.


Vaseline is Your BFF

Okay, sure, maybe it’s not the most glamorous product, but never doubt the usefulness of some simple petroleum jelly. Whether your lips are chapped or your skin is dry, Vaseline is the all-around best product to protect and soothe your skin. 


Moisturizer to the Rescue

If your skin is anything like mine, winter weather brings with it some pretty brutal drying effects. Up until recently I never incorporated a moisturizer into my routine, but ever since I have, my life – okay, well my skin – has changed! A little can go a long way to fight flakiness.  I really like Origins’ Energy-Boosting Moisturizer which is made with ginseng; however,  everyone’s skin is different, so don’t be afraid to test out different products to figure out what works best for you.


Tone Up Your Knowledge on Toner

Maybe you haven’t heard of toner, or maybe you’ve skimmed through the occasional article about its benefits, but this can be an essential product in your skincare routine at any time of the year. Toner helps to keep skin moisturized and cleansed and can be used at any time of the day. I personally like to apply a rose water toner by dabbing it on with a cotton swab when my face is freshly washed. 


Sunscreen Isn’t Just for Summer

Think that the first sight of snow means that your skin is protected from its harmful affects? Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but you might have to think again. Even though the weather might be colder, UV rays can still do serious damage to your skin. Especially if you love outdoor winter activities, like skiing, be sure to put on some SPF. Trust me, your skin will thank you later!


Say Goodbye to Chapped Lips: A Three-Step Process

I have a three-step process to remedying chapped lips: internal hydration, exfoliation and external hydration. The first step is so important! While the cold is often the culprit behind chapping, dehydration also can play a role, so be sure to drink a lot of water (this is just good for your skin period).  Second, be sure to exfoliate your lips every now and then. Sometimes all it takes to say goodbye to dry is by physically removing dead skin. You can make a sugar scrub at home, but I faithfully rely on Lush for their amazing lip scrubs. You can even be festive and buy the scrubs called “Sugar Plum Fairy” and “Santa Baby.” With that I bring you to the last step: external hydration. A good chapstick can be the difference between soft, moist lips and feeling like you have the Sahara on your mouth. While it is important to reapply chapstick throughout the day, I like to put some on right after I exfoliate my lips. Also, be sure to check the ingredients in your lip balm, because some formulas can actually be drying to lips! I find that goold old Blistex is reliable and is wonderful for keeping lips moisturized.


Now that you have these winter skincare tips and tricks, go enjoy the cold weather knowing that your skin will stand up to even the most blustery days.  


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Alexandra (Alex) is a Senior classics and religion double major and Campus Correspondent at Dickinson College. On campus, Alex is a first-year mentor, plays club sports, and is an active member of Kappa Alpha Theta. In her spare time, Alex is a self-confessed Food Network junkie and shopaholic. After graduation, she would love to work at a magazine or a PR agency. You can find her on instagram and twitter at @astagsss.