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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DESU chapter.

I am not a morning person at all. My bed is definitely my happy place. I have always had a hard time getting out of bed in the morning. I am constantly saying that if I was a morning person, my life would look a lot different. I know that this is a bad habit and I definitely need to break it. So, for the next week I will be forcing myself to wake up at 7 a.m. every day, even if I do not have anything to do. I am not looking forward to this..


Day One


Let’s just say that I am off to a rough start. I woke up at 7 a.m. and tried to start my day. I made coffee and immediately spilled it all over myself. So, I was much just like F*** this and went back to bed. 


Day Two and Three

I was determined today. I did wake up on time and didn’t go back to bed. However, my morning wasn’t any more productive than usual. I just sat in bed reading for an extra two hours. I am considering this a win though. 


Day Four

Waking up early on day four was a lot easier. I was still grumpy, but I snapped out of it faster. I made a full breakfast, had time to chill with coffee and organize everything for my day. It was a good day, it felt like I had my life together.


The Results and What I Learned

The last three days of my challenge went very similar. I still woke up early, but I would’ve given anything to stay in bed. I noticed that that feeling passes though. I was waking up and giving myself a pep talk to just get up. I’m still not a morning person, but I feel like if I keep this up that maybe I’ll trick myself into one. I don’t expect to ever be the kind of person who wakes up and goes for a jog in the morning, but maybe I won’t have to be worried about walking out of the house with my sweater inside out or my buttons being unaligned. I’ll take what I can get.


My Name is Brittany Inglis, I am a junior at Delaware State University majoring in Mass Communications: Digital Media & Journalism. I am the kind of person who gets excited about new information. I love to learn new things and in turn share those things with others. I have a variety of interests that I am passionate about ranging from politics to film to fashion, which is why I’m pursing a career in communications. Media allows the level of creativity and freedom I want to be able to pursue projects on multiple subjects.
Hi everyone, I am from the Lonestar state, go cowboys!  I lived in several places including some countries which I love writing about, along with writing about lifestyle.  I am majoring in Mass Communications with a with a minor in history!