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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DESU chapter.

Let It Go & Grow

Zaire A. Davis


As people grow older, their opinions, perspectives, and mindsets adapt and mature.  Friendships and relationships provide us with people to share fresh experiences with. Whether intentional or not, the people we are surrounded by are always gifting us with new situations and scenarios that will determine our true character. We all cherish memories. One song on the radio can take a person back to the setting of the first time they heard it. When a group of friends branches apart, an old group photo full of frozen smiles and laughter can bring one a swirl of emotions. Though we all have an individual, an event, or a place we wish we could erase from our mind forever, we have to use these as tools for ourselves. If it was not a blessing, shift around and store it as a personal lesson. Learn from these experiences and grow. It is okay to let go of unsupportive friends, poor habits, and unproductive hobbies if not shaping to be beneficial.

In order to grow, we have to be selfish. Think of it in terms of gardening. A flower needs consistent water, sunlight, and pruning in order to grow healthy, strong, and beautiful. Weeds have to be pulled out of the ground and thrown away so that they do not tarnish the other plants they are near. Do not continue to latch on to someone or something simply because of the fear to let go. Too often we hang on to people who weigh us down rather than lift us up. These people are not true friends. If they do not support you, inspire you, applaud when you succeed, or truly care about your well being, recognize that good byes are in order for the arrival of the next great thing.


Born and raised in sunny California but am currently attending DESU. Studying mass communications & theatre. Hopefully you'll see me on TV some day but for now, you can read some of my articles!