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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DESU chapter.

Jewelry Alert

By Shelynn Handy


Popular trends usually take the form of bigger and bolder pieces such as dad sneakers or plaid blazers, but this time a popular trend is on a smaller scale: lucite jewelry.


Lucite is a lightweight and transparent plastic, very similar to plexiglass, and has been used a lot recently to make lucite jewelry. The most popular styles are the lucite hoop earrings that come in a variety of pastel and neon colors. You can find the most affordable options in places like Target. I found my favorite pair in Cotton On. You can also find lucite earrings in various shapes and even in patterns like tortoise shell.

Born and raised in sunny California but am currently attending DESU. Studying mass communications & theatre. Hopefully you'll see me on TV some day but for now, you can read some of my articles!