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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DESU chapter.


Five Ways To De-Stress

Work, School, Family, Men, We Know, You need a breather. Heres some healthy ways to shake it off.

1. Dance Party

Sometimes, literally dancing it off and sweating it out helps to let go of the tension in our body. It always feel good when when you can just play a list of your favorite songs and just dance like nobody’s looking, because 9/10 nobody’s looking. So shake off all that bad energy, and just keep a smile on your face.

2. Speaking of sweat, HIT THE GYM!! 10 minutes on the treadmill, 10 minutes on the elliptical with some intense abs and butt workouts allows you to let anything going on in your head go! Truest the process of the gym, not only will it help you mentally, but physically as well.

3. Sit in a quiet place, turn on your happy music, and light a candle. Just focus on your inner peace, your happiness, and tune in on things that bring you back to a focus. Take some time to stretch popularly, and breathe correctly, just allow yourself to relax.

4. Scream!! Sometimes we are so overwhelmed that we hold things in. Get it out! Scream, cry, holler, just get it all off your chest! We know life can be a handful. Maybe stick your head in a pillow and release all that pent up energy.

5. Prioritize. Sometimes we can be stressed due to lack of organization. Write a list of what’s important. What can wait and what needs to be done immediately. Scheduling your life out a little better can take the stress off of you because you have more order.

Hopefully these five ways can help you feel a little like yourself again! Life can be busy and overwhelming but always remember to not sweat the small stuff!

Raised in Queens, with a major in Mass Communication and a love for writing. Graduating in 2018 in hopes of working in Television production. I love reading novels, blogs and magazine articles. I'm completed addicted to TV Shows and my ultimate goal is to always have fun.