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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DESU chapter.

Living in a time where social media runs everything around us, it’s hard not to compare what you’re doing with your life to someone else’s. Think about it. Any and everything a person accomplishes, they post it on social media, whether it’s Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, you’re bound to see it. Sometimes we become discouraged when we see people our age doing all these grand things that we promised ourselves that we were going to do by time we were 25. And it makes you think, “What the heck am I doing wrong with my life that I’m not living like that?” I’m here to tell you to STOP COMPARING YOUR LIFE TO OTHERS!!!

We as human are so hell-bent on the approval of people on these social media platforms that it becomes an addiction to post these false post about how well were doing, but in all actuality we have so much going on in our young lives that we don’t know if we’re coming or going, and that’s okay. We young people must stop trying to compare our lives to these social media celebrities because guess what, they’re just like us. They have to wake up brush their teeth and shower just as we do. You must take a step back from social media and ask yourself what is it that YOU want to do with your life. Not what people on social media expect you to do with your life. You are in charge of your our way that you want to live your life, because when you’re older and fabulous, Instagram isn’t even going to matter to you anymore.

I myself had to come to this actualization that the way I’m living my life is perfect the way it is. Do I post on Instagram? Of course I do, but I don’t get wrapped up in what other people are doing with their lives. I live my life the way that I intend to live it in order to be happy and you should too. When you take a step back from social media and just enjoy your life, you’d found out just how happy you are when you’re not concerned about what others are doing. It is a working progress, but I know if you remain focus in the path that you see for yourself, you be one of the most genuinely happy people. Just try it out

Hello! My name is Janae Faison and I am I double major at Delaware State University as a English and Journalism major. DSU Chapter of Her Campus just like the rest of the site is meant to empower all young women who are in college. Enjoy the DSU Chapter of Her Campus!
Raised in Queens, with a major in Mass Communication and a love for writing. Graduating in 2018 in hopes of working in Television production. I love reading novels, blogs and magazine articles. I'm completed addicted to TV Shows and my ultimate goal is to always have fun.