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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DESU chapter.

By: Anaya Balkcom

Dear Women of The Future,

Thank You! Thank you for stepping up to the plate and deciding that change had to be made. I know initiating a change can be difficult, but I know that it’s not impossible. You’re so brave and resilient; please never forget that. The work that you’re doing now, no matter how big or small, will produce greatness in the end. You’ll break generational curses and uplift the women of our community. You’ll spark the change that you hoped to see as an adolescent. Please breathe life into your projects. You’ll make it far, trust me.

 Don’t let seeds of doubt or fear cloud your judgment. Many dragons have been slayed to get here, and I know you’ll slay thousands more. While hard work is needed in order to spark change, don’t overwork yourself. Breathe. It’s okay to relax and take a break. Practice self-care and talk with friends and family. It’s okay to not always be strong. Even when you’re at your weakest, you’re an image of strength for someone. Even on your darkest days, you’re unknowingly lighting someone’s path. Please be kind to yourself; this journey will be long and strenuous. You’ll need all of the rest you can get. 

Lastly, never forget how proud of you I am. Every day, you continue to wake up and show up for yourself. Whether you’re doing a task as simple as brushing your teeth, you’re still showing up for yourself. Never diminish your actions and feats. From the bottom of my heart, I’m so proud of the progress you are making. You’ve come a long way, and I know you’ll continue to travel further. Whenever you start to doubt your abilities, think back to that younger version of yourself that would be so proud that you’ve made it this far. You’re amazing and a gift to the world; never forget that!

Love Always,

Your Fav HC Girlie Anaya 

Anaya Balkcom is a current sophomore attending Delaware State University, and pursuing a degree in Mass Communications with a concentration in Convergence Journalism. Prior to attending Delaware State University, Anaya graduated from The Ursuline High School where she was a member of the Female Empowering Voices Program. During this time Anaya was selected to represent her school in a CBS news special on the topic of New Rochelle Students inspired by Vice President Kamala Harris. It was at this time Anaya discovered her true passion found in the area of Mass Communications. From there, in Anaya’s senior year of high school, she explored different avenues in Mass Communication through an internship BronxNet Open 2.0 with BronxNet TV Station. During this internship Anaya created, hosted, edited, and programmed feature segments. Through this she gained exposure to the world of television and film. Upon entry into DSU, Anaya became a member of the campus radio station and composed articles for the campus newspaper. You can also find Anaya’s latest work in the media on Spotify, under the podcast titled “All in With Anaya Morgan.”