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How to Start This Semester Off Right

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

Hello loves,

I hope the new semester is welcoming you with open arms! There is so much to do that this week, I wanted to write you a reminder to evaluate what you truly want. In the midst of being torn between extracurriculars, classes, old and new friends, and well, life in general, it is easy to forget about yourself. It’s important to take some time to decide what you want out of this semester.

Do you feel like changing your major to something you actually enjoy? Look into trying a new class and see how you like it. Don’t settle for a major just because you think it will get you a job after college. Nothing is guaranteed, so you might as well choose your own path.

Are you tired of giving in to relationships that aren’t fulfilling or giving you anything in return? In the next couple months, I encourage you to only be invested in those who are invested in you. These are the years to make friendships that will last, not to be feeling unappreciated or unwanted. Let this be the semester for making your relationships stronger and better with those who care about you.

The biggest part of what I wanted to write about in this article is, to put it in capital letters, STOP SETTLING. It is easy to do and a nasty habit. So if you need some words of encouragement…

Stop settling for what is getting you by and start living the life you want to live. The right people will come along the way and will gravitate toward you because you’re living authentically. Map out what it is you want to do this semester and make it happen! You are able, strong, and loved. Let’s make Fall 2017 the best yet.

And here’s a picture of a cute puppy to make you smile!