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Greek Geeks: Rush It, Love It

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

            Greek life is huge at a lot of universities, especially at DePauw. While most girls feel nervous and anxious about going through the process of recruitment, it most often ends up being a fun and exciting experience for girls who go through it. But because it can be stressful and draining, here are some tips to help you get through it.

            Tip #1: SLEEP. Everyone gets nervous and excited, and a lot of girls have trouble sleeping both the night before recruitment and throughout the rest of the week. Sure, you probably want to talk to your friends about it and share how your day went with each other, but sleep is crucial during those few days. Although it seems as if each day goes by very quickly, the days tend to be long and draining for most girls. Exchange quick updates with your girlfriends and then hit the hay so that you feel rejuvenated and energized for the next day. Get that beauty sleep!

            Tip #2: Speaking of girlfriends, DO NOT FOLLOW YOUR FRIENDS OR DO WHATEVER YOUR FRIENDS DO. It can be tempting to discuss what sorority or sororities you are interested in with your friends, as you probably want to join the same one as them. However, it is so important to go into the process with an open mind – you will be surprised by how much you may change your mind throughout the process. By going in with an open mind, you will more than likely end up exactly where you belong. Two of my best friends joined different sororities than the one I joined, and we are still as close as we were before recruitment. Every house will have girls that you get along with great, and girls that you don’t get along with very well. Trust the system.

            Tip #3: DO NOT STRESS ABOUT CLOTHES. Yes, every round will have a specific dress code, but these dress codes are flexible to make you comfortable. First round is usually casual – at DePauw, each person going through recruitment is given a shirt and instructed to wear jeans. After that, each round gets more and more formal – the final round will require you to wear a formal dress. This does not mean you need to go out and purchase a new outfit for every round; wear clothing that you already have. This will allow you to show off who you are and what your own unique style is without killing your bank account and adding the pressure of finding the “perfect outfit” (because there isn’t one!).

            Tip #4: FIND YOUR ROLE MODELS. Disregard all sorority images and stereotypes, and focus on one thing: of all of the girls you have met, which girls do you look up to the most? Which seniors do you want to be like when you yourself are a senior? Who do you respect when you consider academics, athletics, and social life? Choose the sorority that has the girls you strive to be like.

            Recruitment will be a stressful and draining process, but it will also be one of the best experiences of your life. It will introduce you to so many new people, and you will gain an entirely new support system from the members of your sorority. So take a deep breath, sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride, ladies!