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Why I Left My Hometown

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePaul chapter.

The small town I once lived in is now a place that inevitably feels foreign. After moving to Chicago, I realized just how out of place I felt when I was living at home. This is not to say that I am not thankful for the experiences that I have had, but this is rather a reflection on how I have changed and the realizations that I have come upon. 

I am very thankful to have grown up in a small town rather than a large city. Some days I miss bonfires and going to the county fair. I miss being able to drive a car or walk into any diner and order sweet tea. The air was cleaner, and the days were longer. I learned southern hospitality and how to cook. There are certain attributes about my hometown that I can’t help but miss. 

But it seems as if each time I return home, the atmosphere feels so stagnant. Hanging around the same people and doing the same old things was the type of future I wanted to escape. Living in a small town, getting married, and having children by 30 was not my idea of an exciting life. I wanted to make new friends, delve into new experiences, travel, and push myself to achieve my dreams. By staying in town I felt like I would be settling for a life that I did not feel comfortable with. In order to avoid this future, I decided to leave town and start over in a city six hours away. 

From time to time I catch myself recalling late-night slushy runs and sitting in parking lots laughing until the tears come and talking about what the future holds. These experiences are ones that I will cherish forever because they have helped shape me into the person I am today. Now that I have been living in Chicago for almost a year, I have accomplished so much thanks to the endless opportunities, and the abundance of love and support from my close friends and family. I was able to make the Dean’s List, rent my first apartment, make many business connections, and begin writing for HerCampus. 

Every now and then we need to get out of our comfort zone and take a risk. Go after what you want even if it scares you. Take every chance that comes your way and never take it for granted. I am thankful for where I grew up and the experiences that I have had in my hometown, but it is time for me to go after my goals and make myself proud.


Kabren is a student at DePaul University in Chicago, majoring in Advertising with a minor in Graphic Design. She spends her free time traveling, shopping and watching '80s movies. Some of her current obsessions include, but are not limited to: Cosmopolitan Magazine, Crop Tops, New Girl, Music Festivals, Watermelon Sour Patch Kids, and Cats.