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12 Ways High School Musical is Still Relevant Today

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePaul chapter.

It has been 10 years since “High School Musical” premiered– TEN YEARS.

If that doesn’t make you feel old and send you running into a pillow fort in retreat from the ‘real world,’ then I don’t know what will. This past Wednesday, as I sulked in my dorm room eating a lollipop and reminiscing on the good ‘ol days (a.k.a. the HSM reunion special), I realized just how much the High School Musical trilogy is still relevant to us today.

When you think you’ve got things under control and then midterms come around…

When your song comes on when you’re out with your friends…

When your friends find a new restaurant…
When the #Squad is back together…

When people ask about our future plans…

When you finally get your paycheck…

Before you give your speech…

When the entire class forgets to do the homework that was assigned…

When your workload seems never ending…

When you have a six-page essay due tomorrow and it’s time to get down to business…

When someone asks what time it is…

When it’s finally Thursday night…

and remember fam…


DePaul '19 Journalsim, Public Relations and Advertising major. Diet coke is my favorite & so is eating in general. Watching Scandal, Once Upon a Time & listening to Demi Lovato are my pass times.