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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Denison chapter.


In the age of social media, where everyone and their mother has Instagram, Facebook, Twitter…we all tend to compare ourselves to other people we follow. Even the ones we don’t know. 

I’m here to tell you that it is okay to UNFOLLOW anyone who makes you question yourself in the wrong ways. 

It’s different if you use that person or those persons as inspiration, but once you find yourself mourning over the things you don’t have that they do, get them off your timeline. It doesn’t matter if its someone who lives 500 miles from you, or someone you know personally that’s 5 feet away from you. If someone isn’t good for your mental health, you are not obligated to keep them around, in life or over social media. You are not obligated to sacrifice your emotional wellbeing for people that don’t make a positive impact in your life. And there is a bad habit that our generation has. We follow people we don’t necessarily like, as if we must. I’m also guilty of this. But after I realized how toxic social media can be, I told myself I needed to change some things to make my experience better as I scroll through my timeline.

Recently, I’ve been going on an unfollowing binge, getting rid of people who I don’t like, who I compare myself to, who makes me feel insecure. And let me tell you, it has been great. There’s a sense of relief that comes along with just letting go of people that aren’t good for you.

None of us should have to feel like we have a duty to follow people we’ve met once or follow someone that our girlfriend or boyfriend knows. If you don’t like them, don’t create other ways in which you could potentially compare yourself to them. 

So, my advice to you today is just try it out and see how it feels. But I can guarantee that it will feel liberating to let go of those people who are toxic and those people who compromise your mental health.

Happy Unfollowing!

Olivia Mize

Denison '22

Hello! I’m Olivia, a student at Denison University, born and raised in Columbus, Ohio. I'm majoring in Anthropology & Sociology with a Studio Art minor. I enjoy watching movies, painting, and drawing.
Claire is a Cleveland native in her fourth & final year at Denison University and is excited to continue her role as the Co-President for the Denison chapter! While she studies Spanish and Political Science, she loves to write in her spare time. She wants to emphasize topics that she is passionate about, spread positivity and optimism in the world, and connect with people through her writing. When she isn't writing or studying, you can find Claire spending time with her family and friends, staying active, enjoying the outdoors, or listening to music.