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Finals Week as Told By The Office

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Denison chapter.

It’s that time of year again. With finals week looming large over the heads of myself and my fellow peers, the stress of final papers, prepping for exams, and struggling through the last few classes of the semester has been seemingly all too much. Procrastination has turned into a lifestyle and I have never found The Office so relatable during this rather difficult time. So, please enjoy the rather relevant ramblings of Michael Scott and the rest of The Office cast as you work through this tough week!

1. When you’re struggling to write that 20-page research paper, the term “research” takes on a whole new meaning:

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alt=”Image result for the office quotes” style=’width:281pt;height:187pt; visibility:visible;mso-wrap-style:square’>

o:href=”file:////var/folders/3q/8wf65jbj4pq41_ydgxn0wyz00000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/wiki-600×400.jpg”/> 2. When you pull an all-nighter and have to get up early the next morning:

3. The collective attitude of campus when anyone brings up finals week:

4. That feeling when you have a final paper due and an exam scheduled on the same day: 

5. A fitting reaction to taking the first of many exams during the week:

6. Finishing one exam and realizing that there are many, MANY more to go:

7. When the stress of finals week becomes all too much, and you are ready for it to be over:

8. When the end of finals week is nowhere in sight…

9. How you feel when you’re struggling to sit down and write that final paper: 

10. When finals week is finally over!!!

Who's that girl, it's Lex! English Literature major at Denison University.