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How To Enjoy Your Period
How To Enjoy Your Period
Adebusola Abujade / Her Campus Media
Wellness > Health

Don’t Let These Myths About Endometriosis Fool You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Delhi South chapter.

March is Endometriosis Awareness Month and Women’s History Month so let us take a few minutes to gather some much-needed knowledge about this chronic and often misunderstood disease. Endometriosis is a chronic condition in which tissue similar to that usually lining the inside of the uterus grows outside the womb. The various symptoms of endometriosis can be confused with other more common conditions like irritable bowel syndrome or pelvic inflammatory diseases. Other problems related to menstruation are now being talked about, such as Polycystic ovary syndrome, but that doesn’t mean lesser-known problems like endometriosis are not as serious if not more than them.

At times people may ignore the serious health condition due to common myths or confusion. Here are a few common myths that I would like to clarify today so that you can get help if required.

Myth: Periods are normally very painful. Don’t be so dramatic!

Fact: More than half of all menstruating people experience some kind of discomfort or pain, however, if there is severe pain or the pain continues for a period of time then there is a very high possibility that you have endometriosis or any other disease related to menstruation. Please do not ignore the signs and consult a specialist.

Myth: It only affects the female reproductive organs

Fact: “Endometriosis lesions are most commonly found in the pelvis and lower abdomen; however, they can develop anywhere in the body,” Dr. King said in an interview with MNT. “Fortunately, this does not occur very often, and you should be able to help watch for signs or symptoms of implants in other places,” she continued. If you have endometriosis, keep an eye out for other signs.

Myth: Endometriosis is equal to infertility

Fact: Dr. King noted that despite statistics linking the condition to fertility challenges, “endometriosis does not automatically mean a diagnosis of infertility.” According to the doctors, there have been many cases of patients suffering from severe endometriosis who successfully conceived and gave birth. Make sure you work with your healthcare professional and discuss your plans and concerns with them, this way you can be prepared.

Myth: It is caused due to abortion or a high estrogen level

Fact: There is no known cause for endometriosis.

Myth: Endometriosis can be prevented.

Fact: Endometriosis can NOT be prevented. Do not think it is your fault, at times, you might do all the right things but still, you might end up suffering from endometriosis.

Myth: Pregnancy, Hysterectomy, or birth control can cure it.

Fact: Nothing cures endometriosis however the above mentioned can relieve symptoms of endometriosis for many people. They are a good treatment, but not a cure.

As women, it is very necessary to understand as well as take care of ourselves and other women. In a society like ours, women are time and again defined by their reproductive health, but ironically talking about it is a big taboo. Society blames a woman if she faces complications while conceiving, ignoring all the problems that she might be going through. The personal choice of a woman should be taken into account when it comes to her body and health.

Samridhi Dwivedi

Delhi South '24

Samridhi Dwivedi Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College English Honors