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Signs You’re Stuck In Your Comfort Zone

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Delhi North chapter.

“Comfort is the enemy of progress” -The Greatest Showman

A year back, I thought I knew everything there was to know about my comfort zone. I was certain that I did things that were outside of it every other day. But when I joined college, this self-deceiving misperception was blown out of the water.

I considered myself a doer who was always on the move. I was confident that I was operating out of my comfort zone because I was doing so many things at once, be it studies, sports, extracurriculars or spending time with friends and family. 

But, oh, was I ever so mistaken!

I eventually discovered all that I was doing was actually well within my sanctuary. This was what I was doing on a regular basis, and it kept me confined to a safe space and at ease. Over the past year, I realized that things needed to change and, for the better. After all, this is what constitutes growth. We aren’t supposed to stay in one spot for very long. We are supposed to keep going. To arrive at one location, savour the view, and then proceed to another one. And so forth.

So, is it safe to say that the dust has finally settled for you? Have you been staring at the same scene for a long time? If that’s the case, it’s time to shake off the dust and get back to work. Here are some subtle clues indicating if you have spent too much time in your comfort zone:

  • You can’t recall the last time you experienced ‘the burn’

When people are new to exercising, they often avoid this sensation. They’re not sure if it’s safe, or if they can even push themselves that far. Instead, they feel somewhat exhausted but happy that they made an attempt. Do you feel a little exhausted after working on anything, or does it feel like your head has been stretched full of ideas?

Those “burn” times are undeniably uncomfortable and painful, but they also provide opportunities for growth and strength. You’re not pushing the limits of your progress if you’re not feeling the heat.

  • You’re Frustrated

If you are frustrated about a variety of things, primarily work, not succeeding, encountering roadblocks, and have a general sense of not really accomplishing anything, then perhaps you have been stuck for too long in your safe cove.

  • When you’re asked to do anything new or inconvenient, your answer is a “No”

Anything that doesn’t seem to fit with what you’re doing now appears to be a danger. You’re dismissive of any new prospect that isn’t in your field of expertise. You’d like to see the duty outsourced to someone else than yourself because it’s so perplexing. Even if you agree to things, you later regret it because of the time it took away from other activities. You feel a lot of resentment building up inside you. 

  • You’re not growing

You have mastered every aspect of your life. At first glance, this appears to be a fantastic idea. Your life is like a well-oiled machine, with every component working in unison. You’ve got everything you need. But why do you still have a nagging sense of dissatisfaction? 

It’s because you may have mastered everything in your life, but you also recognise that there is still so much about which you do not know enough about. When you know exactly how to do something, there is no longer any challenge. And there is no sense of reward when there is no challenge.

So, these were some signs that might indicate it’s time to pick up a new challenge. However, just studying for a year in university has also taught me that everyone’s comfort zone is different. It shifts constantly as we become more comfortable with the uncomfortable. Recognizing the need to venture outside of our comfort zones is merely the first step. The next phase is to push ourselves even more. 

“Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying.”

Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

This may appear frightening, but we don’t need to rush through it. Trust me when I say that with time and perseverance, you will become a stronger person. Stepping out of your comfort zone will inevitably lead to new and exciting opportunities for you, so good luck with everything. I know you got this!

Kritika Tomar

Delhi North '23

Kritika is a student of Hansraj College, University of Delhi. She's a sucker for pizzas and rom-coms. She loves cotton candy skies, acoustic music and cats.