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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Delaware chapter.

Studying hard for the dreaded end-of-semester finals? Here are 10 ways to avoid burnout!

1. Take breaks, stay hydrated and have study snacks. – While ensuring you are successful academically, you must also make sure to take care of yourself during this stressful time!

2. Prioritize your study time. – You can do this based on which final is first, how much your final will affect your grade or which subject is the hardest and has the most content. 

3. Remember your WHY. – If a class you are taking is important to your major, think of your passion as motivation. If a class is one of those random requirements in order to graduate, think of a degree in your hand and how this class is getting you one step closer to achieving that goal of graduating.

4. Ask for help if you need it. – Reach out to your professor for a study guide, get together virtually with classmates for a study group or have a study night with your friends and roommates. 

5. Organize! – Get out your planner, calendar, to-do list or Post-it Notes. Put together the slides, flashcards and vocabulary words you need to study. Ask your professors what chapters and information the final will be covering. 

6. Put away or turn off all distractions. – Put down your phone, turn off your TV and don’t use your computer for anything but studying unless you’re taking a break.

7. Designate a study space. – Pick a spot, maybe your desk or your dining room table. Choose a place that is quiet so you can focus, or if you can’t study in silence, put on some headphones and listen to instrumental music, study music or relaxing music. Do not do any type of schoolwork in your bed. The stress associated with your bed being your study space can lead to trouble sleeping.

8. Choose a safe spot. – This is where you let out all of your emotions. Pick a pillow to cry on and an unbreakable object to throw. That spot is your Do Not Disturb zone, your No Study spot. This is where you take your breaks away from your study space. This is where you can relax. Do not think of anything but self-care when you are in your relaxation rest retreat.

9. Sleep! – Sleep is essential. While you may want to cram and pull an all nighter, it is not beneficial in the long run. 

10. Think positive, be positive! – It is a psychological fact that positive self-talk can reduce stress, and experts have found that negative thoughts not only have psychological impacts, but physical impacts in the body as well. 

Good luck with your finals!!!

Caitlyn West is currently a Junior at the University of Delaware. She is majoring in Psychology and Criminal Justice. She enjoys participating in community service through her sorority Gamma Sigma Sigma, she likes reading and singing. Her favorite thing to do in her free time is shopping, watching comedy movies, binge watching crime shows. She loves all animals, especially dogs and her favorite animal is a penguin. She aspires to be a mental health counselor for children, helping those impacted by grief, trauma, and crisis.
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