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The Best and Worst Things About Living Off Campus for the First Time

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Delaware chapter.

The next big step in life after actually going away to college – moving off campus. You’re so excited to be living in an apartment or house with your BFFs, cooking for yourself (yay no more dining hall food!) and finally having some space of your own after living in a cramped dorm room.


The Good:

Having my own room with a door I can lock? Amazing.

Not having to walk across campus to annoy your friends anymore because they literally live in the room across from yours.

Getting to cook for yourself, even if it’s chicken and pasta every single night, it’s not dining hall food and that’s all the matters, really.

As nice as your freshman RA was, not having one and more importantly, not having to deal with quiet hours, is even nicer.

Two words: No. Pants. (and if you’re judging, you’re lying – you know its true!)

The Bad:

Getting really excited to decorate the entire apartment and making about a billion Pinterest boards only to remember that you’re a broke college student and can’t afford any of that stuff anyway


Having guys who like to party until 3 am on a Tuesday right above you? Incredibly un-amazing.

Realizing that you have to buy all of those little household items that you take for granted at home, like measuring cups, paper towels, a toilet brush, etc., etc.
The Ugly:

Having to kill bugs, or as we do in our apartment, backing them into a corner, covering them with a plastic cup and waiting until they die.

Dealing with the fact that four girls produce just as much, if not more trash than an entire house of frat guys, even if half of it is hair.

With all the good, the bad and the ugly, living “on your own” is the best experience to get ready for the ~real world~.

I am a sophomore English major at the University of Delaware, a member of the wonderful service sorority Gamma Sigma Sigma, as well as a writer for The Odyssey (and Her Campus, but duh). I enjoy reading (as many English majors do), puppies, and copious amounts of caramel coffee. I will defend the oxford comma to my grave and if you let me start talking about Harry Potter, I probably won't stop.
Amanda Schuman is a junior at the University of Delaware. She is currently majoring in communications with a concentration in mass media and double minoring in journalism and interactive media. Amanda is passionate about all things communications whether it's social media, public relations, writing or just networking. In her free time she can be found watching sit-coms on Netflix, with a book in hand or eating anything sweet. You can follow her @bluehen_amanda