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The importance of clubs and societies for university students

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DCU chapter.

After the recent clubs and socs fair in DCU, it’s important to recognise the place clubs and societies hold within the university and what they mean to individual students.

Clubs and societies are possibly one of the single most important aspects of student life. They are a place of friendship, personal growth, career development and university inclusiveness. They give students skills and talents that they are not able to learn or develop through normal third level education.

Clubs and societies shape universities. In DCU alone there are over 140 clubs and societies and each are as important as the next. Whether you are a member of the GAA club or you’re an active member of the tea society, you are taking a welcome break from your academic studies in a creative and productive way.

Clubs and socs in DCU are also such an important way to make friends. When you join a club or soc, you are joining a group of like-minded people who will go forward to plan events together, have nights out together, raise money together and even travel to foreign countries together. They are a world of opportunity and can open so many doors especially within the career field. Personally, I have learned so many important skills in the media industry from working with the Media Production Society and Journo Soc. These skills will aid me in my future career, skills that I wouldn’t have learned anywhere else that will give me the edge in the future. Clubs and Societies are a key aspect in student life.

All the Clubs and Societies in DCU are chaired and managed by students with numerous positions available in each society for uptake. These students go on to plan some of the biggest events of the year. Whether it’s a ball or a RAG Rumble, these events are always a hit and also turn out to be some of your fondest memories from college. These events wouldn’t be possible if DCU didn’t provide students with the funding, facilities and encouragement to start a club and soc and develop them into successful groups of students.

As this is the first year Her Campus has become a society in DCU I can only hope that in years to come it will have left its mark on university and impacted many student’s lives. I can only urge freshers to join as many clubs and socs as they can and take part in them. Go for any position that’s up for grabs, talk to all the people at the meetings and be willing to work hard, learn and have fun because your days in clubs and socs will turn out to be your best memories from DCU.


Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash

Hey guys! I'm Megan and I'm from Ireland. I'm studying Journalism in Dublin City University.