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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DCU chapter.

Africa is home to a wealth of countries, all with their own unique culture and history. Travelling through the continent will enrich your understanding of the world and will allow you to fully immerse yourself in some of the most untouched natural beauty found on the planet. 


Here are some advice and tips to use when exploring Africa and making the most of your experience.  


If you are planning a trip to Egypt to take in the sites of the ancient world and to explore the river Nile and the Red Sea, the best time to visit is between October and April. It is important to remember that Egypt is a largely conservative country and it is important to dress appropriately.  


Countries that are largely Muslim, Hindu or Buddhist are typically quite conservative. When travelling, it is important to be respectful of local beliefs and customs so dressing to ensure your knees and shoulders are covered is appropriate.  


In some places, like Morocco, you may need to be even more conservative than others and cover your arms, hair and feet. A good travel tip is to always ensure you have a light scarf with you that you can cover your hair with whenever it is needed. 


Before entering African countries you should find out what languages are spoken there. For example, if you find yourself on safari through Kenya, an extremely multilingual country and home to over forty ethnic groups, it might be useful to know that the official languages are English and Swahili! 


It’s also important to note that while travelling through African countries you may be required to buy additional VISAs. For example if you wish to visit Victoria Falls, it is possible to do so from both Zambia and Zimbabwe. However you will need a VISA to hop back and forth across the border. This is the best way to take in this Wonder of the World.  


Holding an Irish passport, the sixth most powerful passport in the world, allows for a lot of free VISAs when travelling through the African continent. However, some countries will require you to buy a VISA for travelling through some countries or staying for prolonged periods in others.  


If you are planning to take in the sites and sounds of Johannesburg and Cape Town in South Africa, it is important that you are vaccinated against Malaria.  


Before travelling to the continent it is important that you have the correct vaccinations before you leave on your adventure. Malaria precautions are essential in almost all African countries, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa.  


You should try to keep your arms and legs covered at all times so as to try and prevent being bitten by mosquitoes. It is also essential that you carry antimalarial tablets at all times and to sleep under a mosquito net when possible.  


Furthermore you should ensure that you have been vaccinated against Hepatitis A, Typhoid and if you are planning on hiking through jungles and exploring the Safari then getting vaccinated for Rabies is best practice. 


Africa is also home to the beautiful Seychelles. Located off the coast of Kenya, the Seychelles is home to UNESCO listed nature reserves and the Giant Aldabra tortoises! Snorkelling is the best way to experience the natural beauty of the islands.  


The continent of Africa is a gem of hidden adventures and bustling, thriving cities. It is home to the Pyramids of Giza, Victoria Falls and the beautiful Seychelles. Now is the time to start planning your African trip! 

A burrito is a delicious food item that breaks down all social barriers and leads to temporary spiritual enlightenment - Lisi Harrison.
Campus Correspondent for HC DCU. Just a Dublin girl with a passion for writing, books, sport and bad teen tv shows.