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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DCU chapter.

In recent years Marketing has been quite a trendy industry to work in. With the rise of social media platforms and their associated influencers, more companies are investing in marketing to get their product out there. 

Some marketing roles don’t always require you to have a background in business. People who study journalism, design or even science-related subjects can often end up in these positions. Here are 5 careers exciting marketing careers you could go into:

  1. Copywriting/Content Management 

A company will often build trust with their consumers by the content they put out on the website, social media and advertising. Content writers, also known as copywriters, play an important role in aligning content with goals. By providing relevant information, they strengthen the bond between the brand and current/future customers. 

  1. Social Media Manager 

A relatively new role added to the marketing industry, social media management has been crucial for businesses. A social media manager will be responsible for posting visuals, writing captions and interacting with their audience. If you’re into keeping up with trends and creating content, this role is perfect for you!

  1. Market Researcher

If you are a curious individual and enjoy seeking answers, stepping into the role of market researcher could be the perfect opportunity. Companies can make better marketing decisions if they have information about sales trends, competitors, and customer behaviour. A market researcher will compile this data into reports that may be used to generate marketing strategies.

  1. Brand Manager 

The activities of the brand manager impact how the public views a particular brand. The responsibilities of this role include creating the brand image, tone of voice and promoting it to the general public. Overseeing a brand is both a creative and logical job. The brand manager will work closely with the product team to create cohesion throughout the business. 

  1. Graphic Designer 

Strong visuals grab a consumer’s attention. Therefore, they’re an important aspect of any marketing strategy. Logos, brochures, websites, and promotional materials are designed in collaboration with other team members by graphic designers. This job is ideal if you are creative and want to make an impact on the brand image. 

Marketing is an ever-growing and expanding field! New roles are constantly being created to cater to businesses needs. As long as you have new, innovative and creative ideas, you will thrive in this industry!

HerCampus DCU Co-Chairperson