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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DCU chapter.

It’s easy to fall into the rut of cuffing season—Netflix, Sleep, Sex (if you’re lucky), Repeat—especially when it’s freezing outside. But, it’s important to resist the urge to chill inside wearing fluffy socks, and instead, venture out into the cold, icy world. We compiled a list of date ideas that can get you and bae out of the house (yes, because you want to) and keep the fire between you hot and alive. 

Curious if your guy will be into any of these classic winter dating activities as much as you, though? Well then, meet three average guys who have provided some insight on how they feel about typically frosty outings with you by their side. 

Our Man Panel: 

Joseph, 20, In a relationship 

Scott, 20, Single 

Cian, 19, Single 

Date Idea #1: 

Games, Games, Games 

Average Rating: 4.5/5 

Examples: Token, Clockwork Door 

Joseph: This is can be really fun and chilled if you’re both really into it. Each of your competitive sides come out and this helps with any silences there may be. 

Scott: Best date for me would be somewhere interactive with games, because people inherently like to be competitive, also usually includes food and drink…so all boxes are ticked there. 


Date Idea #2 


Average Rating: 3/5 

Joseph: Ice-Skating can be great fun. It helps you become more comfortable around the other person because you may make a fool of yourself by falling on your back-side. 

Cian: Ice-skating would be good if you’re good at it. I wouldn’t be up for injuring myself on a first date. 

Scott: I think the best date is somewhere like Funderland, they have ice-skating there if that’s what you’re into. 


Date Idea #3: 

Wild Lights at Dublin Zoo 

Average Rating: 4/5 

Joseph: I love this because you can walk around and talk, take cute pictures and who can say no to cute animals? 

Cian: This is just a beautiful life experience, which would be lovely to share with someone you care about. 


Date Idea #4: 


Average Rating: 2/5 

Joseph: It’s very difficult to talk and get to know each other, especially in the pitch black with a movie booming in the background. I also feel like there’s an expectation at the cinema to kiss, which is pressure. 

Cian: A good movie is always a good way to break the ice. 


Date Idea 5#: 

Netflix and Chill 

Average Rating: 1/5 

Joseph: This can be way to pressurising, because we all know what that indicates. I wouldn’t categorize this as a date. 

Cian: It’s ok, but you can’t ever beat a good Starbucks date in my opinion.  


So, there you have it, ladies. Call your man up and suggest tickets for the Wild Lights of Dublin Zoo or organize a visit to your favourite place to eat, drink and play games. And never be afraid to make the first move if it’s new.

Eimear is currently a Humanities Student in DCU, studying Music and Irish. You can usually find Eimear either binge-watching Gilmore Girls oe Ru-Pauls Drag Race. And if not..jamming out and fangirling over Musical Theatre. Eimear can be found daily sitting in the SU Offices on St.Patricks Campus or in Java drowning in coffee. Eimear mainly writes in the area of Relationships, Music and being ginger. Happy Reading xo